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Memory for disk arrays

To increase the speed of parallel processing is applied. If placed a block of N array disks certain size and organize the strike, so that there was the possibility of simultaneous readers, this unit can be considered in N times faster (without taking into account the emergence of the block). Because all figures are transmitted in parallel, this architecture is called parallel-access array (with a parallel array access). Arrays with parallel access typically used for applications that require data transfer to the large size. Some tasks, in contrast, is characterized by a large number of small bugs. These tasks include Cham, for example, the task of handling databases. With record database on the disk mass-sion, it is possible to distribute the download, regardless positioning drives. This architecture made vat called independent-access array (with an array of independent access). In addition to the type of access, different levels of RAID way location, and the formation of information-tion. The superfluous information can be placed on a specially-allocated by disk or stirred among all drives. Methods for the formation of this information a few more. The simplest of them - this is a complete overlap (100 - Interest redundancy), or mirror-istrative. Moreover, the codes are used to correction of errors, as well as the calculation of parity. disk array without fault tolerance (Striped Disk Array without Fault Tol-erance) 3 RAID-0 RAID Level 0, strictly speaking, not a redundant array and consequently does not provide the reliability of data storage. Nonetheless, this level is widely used in cases where the need for high performance storage subsystem. Oso and particularly popular in this level workstations.
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