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Memory for disk arrays

When you create a RAID-0 array-level information is divided into blocks that records are assessed on individual disks, that is, a system with parallel access (if, a co-pro, it allows the block size). Thanks to the simultaneous I / O with no several disks RAID 0 provides the maximum data transfer speed and maximum efficiency in the use of disk space, as it does not require space for the storage of control amounts. For example, studies indicate that, compared with one floppy drive, RAID-0 array of two drives gave increase speed write at 143%. / read by 96% of the three drives This level is very simple. Basically RAID 0 is used in areas where rapid transfer of large volumes of data. Advantages: -- the highest performance for applications requiring intensive processing of requests I / O and large volume data; -- All HD space being used (no redundancy); -- easy implementation; -- low cost per unit volume. Disadvantages: -- not robust solution; -- Rejection of one disk entails the loss of all data array. RAID 1 disk array with overlapping (or mirroring - mirroring) i. RAID Level 1 - is an array of disks with 100 - percent redundancy. That is simply data while fully duplicated , which is achieved at the expense of a very high degree of reliability (as, indeed, and value). To implement Level 1 does not require pre-split disks and data on the blocks. In the simplest case, two drives contain identical information, and are a logical distribution com When failure of the same disk it performs other functions. In addition, this level of doubling their speed readers, as this operation can be performed simultaneously with two disks. Such information storage scheme is used mainly in cases where the price is much higher safety data storage system implementation cost.
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