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Memory for disk arrays

On the front of external RAID controller can be located LCD indicator displaying the status and parameters of the controller and keyboard for the management and on-construction. Another feature of the construction is modularity: external RAID controller may consist of a main "parent" Boards and the subsidiaries' boards, which are located on the additional channels. Various models of "Daughter " cards may contain different types of channels - Ultra Wide SCSI, LVD SCSI or FC-AL, and these channels may be bidirectional, that is, to work as Host for the disks connected to them, or as Drive when connected to a different controller. Obviously, the external RAID controllers faced significantly more expensive than similar domestic models, but the difference is worth the money at the expense of greater opportunities outside RAID Controller. iv. Cluster disc system The presence of bidirectional channels and External creates perceptions so call the cluster disk system with the reliability previously unattainable. In such systems, multiple servers are connected simultaneously with multiple RAID controllers, which, in turn, manage a few common disk arrays, and the denial of any component of such a system of (servers, RAID controller, drive, the power supply, cables, etc. .) does not lead to failure of the entire system, but only slightly reduces its productivity. Conclusions: The external RAID controllers provide the highest level of productivity and reliability of all types of RAID controller. Their servers can recommend to the middle and upper levels. o Availability of FC-AL channels allows decomposed server and RAID-array a considerable distance to protect data. o Dvunapravlennye channels allow combine controllers and disk arrays in sverhna re-cluster.
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