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Memory for disk arrays

Levels 3, 4 and 6 have a high reading speeds, but speed records Sea relatively low, and the construction of complex systems. ii. RAID 10. Tolerant array of overlapping and parallel processing-ing. This architecture is an array type RAID 0, segments of which are RAID 1 arrays. It combines the high performance and fault tolerance. Advantages: high fault tolerance; high performance. Disadvantages: very high cost; limited scaling. iii. RAID 30. Tolerant array with parallel data transfer and increased productivity chickenpox. It is a type of RAID 0 array, which are segments of RAID arrays 3. It combines the high performance and fault tolerance. Normally used for applications requiring serial transmission of large amounts of data. Advantages: high fault tolerance; high performance. Disadvantages: high cost; limited scaling. iv. RAID 50. Tolerant array with a distributed parity and increased productivity. Is a type of RAID 0 array, which are segments of RAID 5 arrays. On Doppelmayr announce a fault tolerance and performance for applications with large investments exceeding demands and high speed data transmission. Advantages: high fault tolerance; high speed data transmission; high speed processing of requests. Disadvantages: high cost; limited scaling. b. RAID Controllers. For practical implementation of RAID-arrays requires two components: the actual array of hard disks and RAID controller, which determines the possible connection to the same hard-drives in a RAID-array of any type. Controller performs functions to the server (workstation), generating redundant information in the registration and verification in reading, distribution of information on the disk in accordance with the functioning of the algorithm and others.
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