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Memory for disk arrays

RAID Arrays (depending on the mode of implementation of the controller) can be presented as constructing software, and hardware. An example of the program can serve as RAID OS Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0, which is available software implementation of RAID-0, -1 and even RAID-5 (Microsoft Windows NT Workstation 4.0 provides the only RAID-0 and RAID-1). However, this decision should be viewed as extremely simplistic, not allowing the complete implementation of the RAID array. Suffice it to say that when the program RAID whole load of information on the placement of the floppy drive, by the calculation control codes, etc. responsibility of the central processor, which certainly does not increase productivity and system reliability. For the same reasons, there are practically absent any service functions and operations to replace all the defective drive, adding a new disk-yes, changes in the level of RAID, etc. produced with the complete loss of data, with a total ban you completion of any other operations. The only dignity of the program RAID - minimal cost. This solution may be acceptable only if far-Go surplus computing power and low-server load. Much more opportunities provides hardware implementation of RAID with special RAID controller: -- specialized controller frees the CPU from the central core operations with RAID, and the effectiveness of the controller is all the more noticeable that the higher the level of difficulty RAID; -- controllers are typically equipped with drivers, allowing create RAID for almost any popular OS; -- embedded controller BIOS and annexed management program allows administrative system stratoru easily connect, disconnect or replace floppies, members of the RAID, establishing several vat-RAID arrays, even at different levels, monitor the status of the disk array, etc. "U" advanced controllers, these operations can be made "on the fly", that is, not include system unit. Many operations can be performed "in the background", that is, without interrupting ongoing work, even remotely, that is, with any (of course, if they have access), which work places; -- controllers can be equipped with a buffer memory ( "Cache"), which are written the past few blocks, which is often when you access the same files, allows significant increase ment speed disk system.
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