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Memory for disk arrays

Disadvantages: -- speed reading of data is lower than in RAID 4; -- slow read / write data in a small amount of single queries. Use: arrays of reliable high volume. The implementation requires a significant governmental costs. This level is most prevalent in cases where required sufficiently high speed transfer of large quantities of data files small volume. The minimum number of drives in a RAID 5 array 3 pc. i. RAID 6 - tolerant array of independent disks with two world-independent distributed parity scheme (Independent Data Disks with Two In-dependent Distributed Parity Schemes) The data are broken down into block level similar to RAID 5, but in addition to the previous architecture Two scheme for improving reliability. This architecture is a sustained bounce to double. However, in carrying out the logical record six hits really happening to the disk, which greatly increases the processing time per request. A more complex circuit, even to the steady double bounce (but at the cost of lower productivity of). . RAID-array level 6 Advantages: -- high fault tolerance; -- sufficiently high speed query processing; -- relatively small overhead costs for the implementation of redundancy. Disadvantages: -- implementation of a very complex; -- complex data recovery; -- very low speed data recording. Technology RAID 3, RAID 4, and RAID 6 represent a combination of the second and fifth levels, their characteristics are the procedures for calculating the amounts of control in parallel with the transfer of data, as well as the existence of two independent algorithms for calculating control amounts.
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