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Large files in UNIX

Unlike traditional file systems to be pre razmontirovany to guarantee the integrity of their dump to dump XFS file system can be created in the course of work. The utility retains XFSdump read the entire file system directory tree, or individual files, allowing restart. This creates big dump over a long period of time, or, for example, to continue working after you restart the operating system. These take into account all the changes that have been made to archive files since the beginning of the procedure to dump. Today, just to be realized in the Linux filesystem technology to implement corporate information storage solutions. For example, Caldera Systems constantly receives requests from corporate customers such decisions, especially from companies working with graphics. It can be assumed that such "pouring in" significantly accelerate the advancement of Linux operating system in this market is large enterprise systems. At least, SGI is counting heavily on this, judging by the fact that in a number of corporate training centres offered courses on Linux already close to the number of courses on their own IRIX operating system. Specific life by the example of large files UnixWare Today is considered bad habit or support in the operating system work with large files, so in descriptions of Solaris, AIX and HP-UX also can be found indications that these systems work with files up to 1 terabytes. For example, the major new feature of SCO UnixWare 7 - Support files almost 1 terabytes in size (the maximum size of the file system itself is also at the level of 1 Tbytes). Work with large files UnixWare is possible only in the file system vxfs included in the time of the file system teammates # mkfs .... - o largefiles If it is not certain what type of file system has been established, it is possible to study this issue using mkfs "-m" There will be returned command line, which was used to create the file system. Also in this way, you can check what file system was created during the installation of the operating system, for example:
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