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Unique similar search

At the moment, many companies maintained intensive development in the field of full-text documents. Already speed and computing technologies make it easy to create with different degrees of processing the request and the huge number of additional conditions. Yes and experience in setting up systems phrase search provides invaluable information to developers to move forward. To create more and better technologies and systems. In particular, one of the most popular and well-known technology is the same Google. In particular, its function "similar pages". Using this feature displays the user pages, the most similar in their content to predetermined. In principle, the possibility of work, but the clear results so far not been able to get results - blurred, low relevance, and sometimes even creeping technology and issue a complete absence of similar Web pages. This is most likely due to all the same problems - a global network of chaos and nestrukturirovannostyu information. But there is a precedent, so the realization of a truly running smoothly without NDI system without just cause-time. With regard to corporate systems processing and retrieval of knowledge, it is slightly inferior to the case. Existing (not elaborated on paper) technology and two-fold door. A very valid search of similar documents have not yet been made and none of the giants of search technology guru. Maybe if no (missing search phrase?) And perhaps because of the complexity of implementation. But finished working technology still is. SoftInform Search Technology, the technology of searching for documents similar in content to the query, "developed by SoftInform." It allows for fast and accurate search for documents similar in their content in any volume of data. The technology was developed on the basis of a mathematical model analysis of the structure of the document and selecting similar words, phrases and text arrays. The result is a withdrawal of most search similar to a piece of text documents showing the percentage of relevancy. Unlike standard phrase search, a search for similar advance is not required to pre-select keyword-search carried out throughout the document as a whole. The technology works with a variety of sources of information, which may be supplied in the form of text files, txt, doc, rtf, pdf, htm, html, and the most common databases, information systems (Access, MS SQL, Oracle, as well as any DBMS, supporting SQL). It also has additional features using lists of synonyms and the allocation of the words "important" to specify search. Similar search technology allows substantially reduce the loss of time to search and re-watching the same or very close to the content of the documents, reduce the time for processing of duplicate data entry at the stage of information in the archive and create documents collection at the specified subjects. Plus everything SoftInform technology company "so far not very sensitive to the power of computer technology as existing and processing data at very fast rate, even on ordinary office computers. This technology is no longer a theoretical formulation. It has been tested and successfully used in the project of providing legal services by phone, which very much speed information retrieval. And it certainly will be more than useful in any knowledge base, analytical service or sending a large service company. Universality and effectiveness SoftInform Search Technology will be a wide range of problems arising in the process of working with the information. This blurred and content (when entering a document in the database can be almost instantaneously determine whether the new document or duplicates already contained in the database file), and pohozhestidokumentov analysis, which has already entered into a database, and rapid poisktematicheski similar documents, which saves time spent on the selection of key words and viewing of unnecessary documents.
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