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Corporate System

Third on the list appear ready-made solutions based on search technologies. They are intended for serious companies and corporations with a truly gigantic databases and under different instruments filled nick information systems. In principle, the technologies themselves can be used for "home" needs. For example, a programmer who works out of the office will use search technology for scattered across the hard drive of his computer, the source of various programs. But this particular. The main application of these technologies are still in when required to carry out a quick and accurate search in large data files, and for working with various information sources. The scheme of such search engines is quite simple (although it is, of course, lots of unique methods of indexing and query processing): phrase search. Given all stemming, synonyms and other things. What leads us again to the problem of human resource: when using this technology (which, for example, Hummingbird Line "program" or "Verity"), the user must start to develop a tentative phrases that will be the search criterion, and will, the idea to meet in appropriate documents. But far from the fact that the user will be able to independently choose or you want to recall the words and again, is not really sure that the subsequent search will be satisfactory. Another key point is the speed of processing the request. Of course, when you use a phrase to search an entire document instead of one of two words, the accuracy of search increases in the order. But to date, just such an opportunity has not been used because of the very high-capacity process. The fact is that the search for a number of words or short phrases will not give us an accurate resemblance discovered documents. A search for a phrase in the entire length of the document in existing systems takes too much time and very demanding of computational resources. There are conditional example. When refining search request one word not much difference in what speeds will otrabotan this request: 0,1 seconds, or 0,001 seconds, as a user and not notice the difference. If you take the same average size document which contains about 2000 unique words, the searches based on morphology (word of) and thesaurus (synonyms), and the withdrawal of the list of relevant documents found in the case with the search by key words will take several dozens of minutes (which is unacceptable to the user).
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