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Search Information. Looking from the user side

Introduction Each of us once in his life, faced with the problem of finding information. No matter what the source of the data we use: Internet, files on disk, a database or a global information system of a large company. The problem may be many: the volume and "base" where the search and nestrukturirovannost information, and various types of files, which contain the information complexity of the language and even search. Already, the volume of information, for example, on a particular personal computer can be compared to the volumes of texts decent library. A unstructured knowledge flows in the future will only increase, while the giant pace. If normal users they have sex woes, the big companies for lack of control over information can mean big problems. Thus, there has long been a need to create systems and search technologies to facilitate and accelerate access that information to us. There are many systems, and not every system is a unique technology. And what it is to choose technology - directly depends on the tasks that lay ahead. Demand for Committed search tools and information processing has increased. What is the situation with the proposal? Without going into particular highlight various technologies, programs and retrieval system can be divided into three groups. This global Internet search, ready-made solutions for business (corporate search technology and information processing), and a simple file or phrase search on a local computer. Different directions for the execution of different ideas.
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