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All programs are worthy of attention. Except Ischeyki Prof Deluxe, demonstrate mediocre results in the quality and speed of the search and has proven itself at the bottom to create the index (incidentally, the size of the index in line with the indexes information is a huge minus). Based on the tests, and careful examination of each program provided in the survey can draw some conclusions. So, Google Desktop Search Copernic Desktop Search is come home as unsophisticated user retrieval system. They are coping quite well with simple queries, not very user settings and download, even quite free. Google Trying to break into the market of corporate exploration is not very justified: for a full program of work needed to give light weight of additional modules, and setting it is far from simple. Therefore, the names of the speakers that Copernic Desktop Search that Google otstavlyayu their niche "desktop " exploration. However, a more powerful decision - dtSearch, and iSYS SearchInform not too clever thing, and offer users their "desktop" version. But similar price, as opposed to the free softin from Google and Copernic. Of course, for power, speed and functionality has to be paid. But the sight developers dtSearch, and iSYS SearchInform do, of course, to the corporate sector. Working with network functionality, indexing and retrieval speed is what distinguishes these products from their competitors'. " But here, through painstaking tests and reviewed able to establish clear winner. This is a development of the Russian company SoftInform search engine SearchInform. This program is ahead of similar design as the speed of indexing and retrieval, and for the recruitment functions. And given the revolutionary and unique opportunity SearchInform-search documents similar in their content and meaning to the text of the request, then the program is just outside competition.
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