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Immediately begin with a description of the interface SearchInform probably not worth it. It began to describe the process of installation, and more precisely its one detail: you will not be able to install the software without connecting to the Internet. The fact is that before the first launch of the program requires user registration (free), and sends all the data to the server. Apparently, the developers had to adopt such measures to combat piracy, but at the convenience of installation is not affected positively. The program interface is implemented in compliance with all generally accepted rules, but, at first glance, somewhat cumbersome. Using the program for the first time, it seems that it is too complicated, it is sometimes not easy to recall what the menu tab, or what is the desired option, but long use, the interface is no longer seems such a terribly difficult. Main previously honor certificate. A little bit of looking interface, you can begin to build the index. The process itself is very simple and indexing speed, even at much higher eyes of all the other exploration of the review. Tests Clear figures show SearchInform twice and better dtSearch iSYS speed indexing! The program had indexed data provided in the amount of 20 gigabytes for a record three-time 17 minutes. Yes, and the size of the index has been created by the smallest 4.4-GB to 100 megabytes less than that of Google Desktop Search. The program supports, in addition to normal files and folders, also indexed emails, connectivity and indexing databases (!) , And other external sources (DM S, CRM), immediately indexing vocabulary can be specified for the morphological search, well, as well as can be indexed all the attributes of the files. Given such a complex structure of the index and optimization algorithms deserves respect! But apart from jet velocity index, the search for information has also been the fastest, in addition, the size of your index file again, the smallest! It would seem there is no way that all the parameters above-something always has to be paid, however, SearchInform-apparent exception to the law of energy conservation. J After creating the index, while attempting to hold the first test search, the documents could lead to some confusion: "here are two types of search, and what they want from me? ". As mentioned earlier is the main reading certificate, then everything will be clear. The program really know how to carry out two types of searches is a phrase search and retrieval of documents similar in their content to the text of the request. Description of all the main functions to analyze the search query was cited above, it is only possible to list search provided by the program. To begin with the search phrase: of course, Stemming, tsitatny search, logical operations, with search syntax parsing words (search for the top floor at the end, in the middle portion or the full match), mixed tsitatny search (when all the words in the query must in the present paper, but not necessarily in the order you entered), search corrected errors, use of synonyms, "almost tsitatny search" (search imposed by phrases such as quotations, but among the entries words may attend other words), etc. Some of the options have specific preferences. Moreover, it is possible to use the dictionary unimportant words, the program already have a ready list of those words also can be used for search priority vocabulary words (it is, of course, have to fill myself). That is, in principle, briefly probezhali all major opportunities phrase search. Now becomes understandable reason for the small congestion interface functionality - something could hardly fitted in a few buttons! Now for the review of this program is to highlight search of similar documents. The developers claim that this is not a simple text search, it is "similar search" - that is how he described them everywhere, well, yes Ok, you can call the drop is the main point. Short searches on the Internet can quickly provide information that the so-called "similar" search-revolutionary development in the field of text analysis. The system allows text to find similar meaning it is for content. The most pleasing was the fact that after the test queries proved that the theory is the same as the practice! The program really looking for documents related to the content and displays them in a list, organized by percentage resemblance. Well that is to say? Commendable! Next, consider that offers SearchInform (particularly its corporate version of SearchInform Corporate) for an enterprise network. It turns out that here, too, all at the right level. There are two types of applications: server-side and custom. The server portion alone handles indexes specified, and users can use them to search, depending on their assigned access rights. Users can be set automatically using Windows accounts (in the professional language SearchInform NTFS uses Windows authentication) and manually (users will need to add separately). Each user can allow or deny access to certain indexes, you can also combine user group. In general preferences for work in the nets from SearchInform definitely ahead of Google flexibility, and the convenience and simplicity Ischeyku Server. Summing up for this program, you can confidently recommend it to be used in all conditions. If the critical speed and powerful analysis queries, the SearchInform show itself fully.
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