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Determine what similar information retrieval system at the moment and fastest tolkovaya and found this review. By selecting several popular programs from Russian and Western developers (iSYS, DtSearch, Archivist, Ischeyka Prof SearchInform Desktop Deluxe Edition, and we have conducted several tests on the speed of indexing documents, the speed and quality of the search. Note that participated in the testing "home" versions of these programs, because the purpose is not to beat the record Yandex or check the stability of the system is running in the network, and check the capabilities of technology programs. To do so, we have a rich library was collected fiction (11 gigabytes of text formats. Txt. Html and. Doc). The first assignment for the testing program was indexing all this diversity documents. Next, we conducted tests on the speed of the search (stopwatch in hand!) And the relevance of the results obtained by comparing lists on the same request. As a query used phrases and passages (!) From Steinbeck novel contained in the compilation documents. Test the pitch was selected computer with 2,2 MHz Athlon processor, the amount of RAM 1 GB, 160 GB Seagate IDE hard disk at 7200 revolutions per minute and Windows XP. So ...
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