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\ Based on the characteristics discussed funktsionalno-skorostnyh of search is not easy to make a clear conclusion. As it turned out, the new development of the Russian company SoftInform funktsionalnee even faster and western "proven" analogs. But ... Popular and totally free GDS Enterprise is setting clear and additional capabilities century only if the installation of plug-ins. Even support archives realized that way. Plus everything in order to fully disclose the possibility of a coil of the system, developers offer businesses connect to the Premium Support. Who is "nothing" total, $ 10,000 a year for each 1,000 users. Without quite well-paid experts Google deploy fully running system at the plant will be, if not impossible. So at least arhislozhno. Therefore, looking at quite good speed performance of the program and its user-friendly interface IE me it would be better to be an excellent "desktop" version of exploration and make a deep curtsy in the direction of Google, which thus will be able to dream of Bill Gates-enter every home. Is it that good branding? The main rivalry, so called tests, razvernulos already known among software and dtSearch iSYS and development of a new Russian company SoftInform - SearchInform. These systems can boast of connecting third-party sources of knowledge, such as databases, such as high velocity indexing and retrieval capabilities and enhanced search. SearchInform Corporate, in addition to its high-speed indexing and retrieval of documents and search features unique documents similar in their content can act as yet, and as a system, consolidating information in the enterprise. Any case that the system can handle not only documents on the disk in a computer or network, but also use other sources of data, such as CRM or DMS, RDBMS-based MS SQL, and so on. It can be said that SearchInform Corporate is the only program of the review, which could solve the two major problems "information" business-as a problem of searching for documents, and the consolidation of knowledge in one convenient system.
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