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RAID Disc System

Apparatno-realizovannye RAID systems using a dedicated controller RAID array, it usually has its own CPU, cache and software in ROM disc-to perform I / O functions and checking parity. The existence of the selected controller to perform these operations frees the server processor to perform other functions. Moreover, since the processor and software adapter specifically structured to perform the functions of RAID, they provide greater productivity operations disc input / output and better data integrity than programmno-realizovannye RAID system. Unfortunately, apparatno-realizovannye controllers RAID arrays are usually more expensive than their competitors programmno-realizovannyh. CONCLUSION In general, SCSI device is the best choice for a server disk subsystem than IDE drives or EIDE. Buy SCSI drives capacity to 9 gigabytes on the drive is not working, while the maximum capacity of today's EIDE drives about 2.5 gigabytes. When using multiple dual SCSI HBA total capacity could easily exceed 100 gigabytes, while the limit EIDE-10 gigabytes. SCSI also has better performance, moreover, SCSI is plagued by problems that entails approach master-slave in IDE / EIDE. If you need redundancy disks, then there are several options. Duplication of Novell NetWare in conjunction with filling disks provides excellent performance as well as protection from the bug. Hardware RAID implementation is also a good choice, but its performance is usually lower and the price higher. If you are using Windows NT, and productivity is important to you, then RAID hardware, it may be the best choice
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