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Memory for disk arrays

If reading the recorded call 1100100, the checklist call for him just 101. Comparing the original checklist obtained from the floor (porazryadnaya exclusive OR 101 = 011, then there is an error reading in operation), we have: 110 the third position. Accordingly, knowing what bits is erroneous, it is easy to correct the "raid". In addition, the code allows us not only to correct "raid " single mistake, but also found double-vat. In doing so, he is the oversupply of all levels with correction codes. This mosaic-small data storage is used rarely, because bad cope with a large number of request-related, difficult to organize and has little advantage over RAID level 3. Advantages: -- rapid correction of errors ( "on the fly"); -- very high speed transmission of large amounts of data; -- while increasing the number of disks, reduced overhead; -- rather simple realization. Disadvantages: -- high cost, low number of drive; -- Resiliency lower than that of RAID 1; -- slow processing of requests (not suitable for systems-oriented transaction processing). i. RAID 3 - tolerant array with parallel data transfer and even incumbent (Parallel Transfer Disks with Parity) RAID Level 3 - a fault with an array of parallel-input withdrawal and an additional disk drive on which information is recorded checklist.
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