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Memory for disk arrays

Advantages: -- easy implementation; -- Ease array recovery in the event of failure (copying); -- just for high speed applications with great intensity queries; -- the speed record is identical to the speed record for one drive, and the speed of reading the data twice as high than one drive. Disadvantages: -- low efficiency in the use of drive space; -- the high cost per unit volume - 100% redundancy. Disk Arrays zero and the first to use appropriate levels of the system, processing large amounts of data and the critical speed chte-niya/zapisi. i. RAID 2 - tolerant disk array using Hamming Code ECC) RAID Level 2 - a scheme backup data using Hamming code for corporate correction of errors. Recordable figures are not based on the modular structure, as in RAID 0, but on the basis of words, the amount equal to the number of words discs for recording data in the array. Every single bit recorded on a separate disk array. For example, if the array has four disk recording data, the sequence of four bits, that is a word written on each of the disks is the way that the first bit is written on the first drive, the second bit - on the second, etc. In addition, for each word is calculated error correction code (ESS), which records being allocated to the disks for storing control information (Figure 6). The number of bits in the context trolnom word and the number of disks required for the storage of the control information is calculated by the following formula: L = K log2 Q - words digit data. Naturally, with this formula in calculating L rounded to the next higher whole to the nearest whole number. To avoid contact with the formulas, you can use a scrap-mnemonicheskim Human: Words digit checklist determined by the number of bits required for the submission of binary decent size words.
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