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Memory for disk arrays

Type 2 (levels) RAID arrays In accordance with the different types of access, building architecture and the distribution of memory, there are different types of RAID-arrays, which are taken to characterize levels of RAID. Currently, there are several standardized-RAID levels, which vary in speed, reliability and cost of manufacturing: from RAID 0 to RAID 5. Besides being used combinations of these levels, as well as corporate levels (such as RAID 6, RAID 7). The most common are the levels of 0,1,3, and 5. In each of the levels of RAID solve the problem of optimization of any of the parameters (or combination): reliability; speed; capacity; value of the data storage units. The reliability of the entire body decreases with an increase in the number of disks in the array. With the refusal of independent law and exponential distribution developments in the waiver, the entire body of MTTF (mean time to failure - the average time trouble) is calculated by the formula: MTTFarray = MMTFhdd / Nhdd MMTFhdd - the average time trouble one disk Nhdd - the number of disks Thus, there is a need to increase reliability of disk arrays those involved. To increase reliability arrays using excess coding. Creature-tions are two main types of encryption, which are used in excess disk arrays - is duplication and parity.
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