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Memory for disk arrays

For example, if five disks to the size 10 GB, the actual array size is 40 gigabytes, as well as 10 GB is a checklist for information. RAID 5, as well as RAID 4, the architecture is independent of access, that is, unlike RAID 3 is a large amount of logical blocks to store information. Therefore, as with RAID 4, the main such gains at the same time provides an array processing Pack several queries. The main difference between a RAID 5 and RAID 4 is a way to control the amounts. The existence of a separate disk (physical), holds a controlling information about the amounts here, as in the previous three levels, has resulted in the operation of reading, not requiring treatment on the drive, executed with great speed. However, with each transaction record changing information on Controller drive, so the scheme RAID 2, RAID 3 and RAID 4 does not allow for parallel operation. RAID 5 deprived of this shortcoming, as checksums recorded on the disks arrays, which provide the ability to run multiple operations simultaneously Read, and Write. Advantages: -- High-speed data recording; -- sufficiently high speed reading data; -- high productivity with high-intensity queries read / write data; -- small overhead for the implementation of redundancy.
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