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NTFS and FAT Performance

Currently typical amount of memory in 64 MB, unfortunately, also does not offer to organize effective work with NTFS. For small and medium-sized disk (up to 10 gigabytes) in typical systems FAT32 will work, perhaps a bit faster. The only thing that could be said about the performance of systems with such a volume of memory-system working with FAT32, will be much stronger suffer from fragmentation, as the system to NTFS. But if at least occasionally disc drives, the FAT32, in terms of performance, is the preferred option. Many people, however, choose to have such systems NTFS-simply because this will give some very important benefits, while the typical loss of speed is not very high. Systems with more than 64 megabytes, and especially with 128 megabytes or more of memory, can confidently cache is all that is needed to work the system, and it is on such computers NTFS is likely to show higher performance because of a sound data organization . Does the physical hard disk parameters on the performance of the file system? Yes, though not much, but influence. The following parameters can be identified physical disk systems that differently affect different types of file systems: Time accidental access (random seek time). Unfortunately, access to system areas on a typical drive more sophisticated file system (NTFS) must perform, on average, more disk head movements than in simpler systems (FAT16 and FAT32). A much greater fragmentation catalogs, the possibility of systemic fragmentation areas are doing NTFS drives much more susceptible to arbitrary speed reader (random) disk areas. For this reason, use NTFS for slow disk (old) is not recommended as a high (worst) while searching a track offers another plus for FAT systems. Availability Bus Mastering. Bus Mastering special treatment-work driver and controller, using which exchange with the disc is made without the involvement of the processor. It is noteworthy that the system is lagging caching NTFS can operate much more efficiently when there Bus Mastering because NTFS produces Deferred record much more data. Without Bus Mastering System is now rarely encountered (usually drives or controllers working in the mode PIO3 or PIO4), and if you are working with such a disk-it is likely that NTFS lose a couple of points of performance, especially when dealing modification catalogs (eg, active in the Internet-working with a cache of internet). Caching as reading, and writing to the level of hard disk drive (HDD buffer from 128 KB to 1-2 megabytes in today's expensive disk), a factor that will be more useful systems based on the FAT. NTFS considerations of reliability data storage system modification exercises the field with the flag "no cache entry, 'so weak NTFS system performance depends on caching HDD itself. FAT systems, in contrast, will receive some of plus write caching on the physical level. It should be noted that, generally speaking, seriously take into account buffer size HDD in evaluating performance of different file systems is not worth it.
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