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NTFS and FAT Performance

NTFS has a bit map of free space, one cluster corresponds to 1 bit. To find disk space had to assess the quantities in the tens of times smaller than in systems FAT and FAT32. Conclusion: NTFS is the most effective system for finding free space. It is noteworthy that the act "in the forehead" to the FAT16 or FAT32 very slowly, so in order to find a free space in these systems are different methods of optimization, resulting in there and achieved acceptable speed. (One can say for sure-the search space when working in DOS to FAT32-catastrophic speed the process, because no optimization is not possible without the support of at least as serious operating system). Working with catalogs and files Each file system performs basic operations with the file-access, deleting, creating, moving, etc. The speed of these operations depends on the organization of data storage on individual files and directories of the device structures. At that affects this option: to speed the implementation of any transactions with the file, including any operation at the speed of file access, particularly in the directories with a large number of files (thousands). FAT16 and FAT32 are very compact directories, the size of each record are extremely small. In addition, because the current system of storing historically long file names (more than 11 characters), in catalogs FAT system used is not very effective and at first glance a crooked, but very economical storage of the structure of the long file names. Working with catalog FAT done fairly quickly, as in the vast majority of cases folder (directory data file) and is not fragmented on the disk in one place. The only problem that could significantly lower the speed catalogs - FAT large number of files in a single directory (in the order of thousands or more). Data-Storage System linear array is not able to effectively search files in a directory, and to find the file perebirat accounted for a large amount of data (the average half-catalog file). NTFS uses a much more effective way of addressing - binary tree. It allows to effectively work with the catalog of any size-NTFS directories not frightening increase in the number of files in one directory, and to tens of thousands.
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