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NTFS and FAT Performance

Conclusion: The absolute leader is FAT16, it will never force the system to make extra disc operation for the purpose. Then comes NTFS, the system also does not require reading redundant information, at least until the file is reasonable number of fragments. FAT32 is experiencing great difficulties, until reading redundant hundred kilobytes from FAT, if your disk scattered to different areas. Working with the impressive size files on FAT32, in any event, fraught with great difficulty to understand where on the disk is a fragment of a file, it can only be studied clusters entire file from the beginning, for processing once a cluster (every 4 KB file in a typical system). It is noteworthy that when the file is fragmented, but is compact heap of fragments, FAT32 does not experiencing great difficulties, as well as physical access to the area will also FAT compact buferizovan. Search free space This operation is done in the event that you need to create a file from scratch or copied to a disk. Search place in the physical data file depends on how information is stored on the disk employment sites. At that affects this option: to speed the creation of the files, especially large ones. Preserving or creating a real-time large multimedia files (. Wav, for example), copy large amounts of information, etc. This parameter shows how quickly the system will be able to find a place to write new data to disk, and what operations it will have to be done for that. To determine if it is clear whether the cluster or not, the system must be based on the FAT FAT see one entry corresponding to this cluster. The size of one record FAT16 is 16-bit, single record FAT32-32 bits. To find disk space may be required to view almost the entire FAT is 128 KB (maximum) for FAT16 and to a few megabytes (!), In FAT32. In order not to make the search space into a catastrophe (for FAT32), the operating system had to go to various tweaks.
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