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NTFS and FAT Performance

Summing up the influence of a brief performance on the disk controller and system performance as a whole, one can say this: NTFS is suffering from a slow drives much stronger than FAT. I would like to say a couple of words about the amount of the cluster is the parameter that is on file systems FAT32 and NTFS formatting can be set in almost random. First, it must be said that the large cluster size is almost always greater speed. The size of the cluster to NTFS Volume, however, has less impact on performance than the cluster size for the system FAT32. A typical cluster size for NTFS-4 KB. It is noteworthy that with the increased amount of deactivated cluster file system, built-in opportunity to compress individual files, as well as standard API stop working defragmentation - that is, the overwhelming number defragmentatorov, including built-in Windows 2000 will be unable to defragment this drive. SpeedDisk, however, he will be able to work without the use of the API. The best in terms of speed, at least for the medium and large files, it (Microsoft itself), the size of 16 kb. Increase the size of further unwise because of too much spending on data storage inefficiency, and because little further increase performance. If you want to improve performance at the cost of loss of NTFS compression-think about formatting of the disk cluster size, large than 4 KB. But keep in mind that this will give a fairly modest increase speed, which often is not even reduce the effectiveness of placing files on the disk. Performance System FAT32, on the other hand, can be significantly improved by increasing the size of the cluster. If NTFS cluster size almost no effect on the size and nature of the systemic areas, the FAT system, increasing cluster twice, we are reducing the area FAT in the same two-fold. Recall that in a typical system, FAT32 this very important area for the performance took a few megabytes. Reducing the area several times FAT will provide a noticeable increase in performance, as well as the volume of system data file system greatly reduced, and reduced time spent on reading about the location of data files, and the amount of memory required for buffering the information. A typical amount for the cluster systems FAT32 is also 4 KB, and increase it to 8 or even up to 16 KB - especially for larger (and more than a dozen gigabytes) discs fairly reasonable step.
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