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File System file formats and Mac OS X

Packages - this whole technology to hide files, and. Pkg not unique. In such a package store projects, for example, iDVD and DVD Studio Pro. Incidentally, the above-mentioned type. App is too Packages. Each program - this one (!) Single file, rather than thousands of files scattered in various catalogues everywhere, as it does in Windows. To verify this, do the procedure for viewing the contents described Packages, tknuv mouse in any program in a folder Applications - you open a folder with lots of files Contents of the programme. However, during normal work you do not see them, and they did not hinder. Images of the disk. Images It is very popular with long been at the Makah decision - dmg disk images and img. img applied in Classic system, and with the advent of Mac OS X is more than a new format dmg, although old is also supported. What is a disk image - much easier to show than tell. Double-click the mouse that file, then on your desktop (Desktop) new disk icon appears as though you've just connected to your Maku new disk. Using such virtual disk can be just as normal external drive - view, edit and delete files, copy and move them to your "real" drive. Basically, the images of discs used for distribution via the Internet. And here one can not but mention the second installation method to Make programs. If, looking at the mounted disk, you can not find the file installation pkg then most likely you will see the program itself. Just drag and drop it into a folder Applications, and all installation is completed. To create your own disk image, use the already mentioned the program Disk Utility. Files archives For ease of transfer files over the network and save space on the disk, with extended storage apply archives. This archive file, within which concluded in a special compressed form other files. To create and read archives of special programs - and archivers raspakovschiki. The most common raspakovschikom on poppy is free Stuffit Expander. This is an extremely useful application, which opens almost all known records, encrypted files, and images of a disk. The most popular archives on poppy archives are created with the help of the program from a company Stuffit A lladin (not to be confused with Stuffit Expander - this is only the free version, exclusively for unpacking, rather than creating archives): . sit - the most common among Poppy archive, . sitx - relatively recently introduced a new version of the format sit, providing better compression . sea - the self-archive version sit for Classic system. In addition to Stuffit Expander, copes well and other archives: rar, zip, as well as with yuniksovymi formats, gzip, tar, gz, bzip.
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