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Comparative review file manager for Pocket PC

Through a comparative review file manager for Palm OS, it is interesting to know, and how things have competing Pocket PC platform. Because of its similarity to its "elder sister" - Windows desktop, in the device under Windows Mobile is a full file system. Therefore, file managers is even suitable than the CPC under the Palm OS. File explorer This file manager included with a standard set of programmes that have previously been "clean" CPC. Experience shows that the program built heavily curtailed by function. Let us see whether this allegation to the File explorer. The program works with one window, switching between folders using menu located at the top of the screen. There is also the choice of treatment sorting files (name, date, size and type). Bottom-screen menu of files, quick buttons to move the memory card and memory of the CPC, as well as a button to connect to network resources. Using Stylus is site selection, as long clicking on their names called contextual menus work with the file (standard "Cut-Copy-Paste - Rename, send e-mail or infrared port). In principle, in order to pedestrian couple files from the memory card, this set is enough, but serious work with the files you want something more. It should be noted that, following the installation of a pocket computer program SPB Plus 2 can be slightly improved File explorer by adding the following features : button move one level higher in the directory tree; support for ZIP archives; formatting memory cards; window Properties file or folder, showing their size and different attributes. A free version that ships with the operating system, but having minimally. When SPB Plus 2 may very useful "upgrade" file manager, several raising its competitiveness. Resco File explorer 5.00 As for the version of the Palm OS, Version for Windows Mobile is surely one of the top of file managers. Excellent functionality to work with files, lots more opportunities pushed many people choose this particular product from slovatskihprogrammistov. Among the pluses are the following : excellent work is organized with files, which is an order of magnitude bigger than the standard File explorer; working with Bluetooth; built-in file encryption to synchronize with a desktop PC; support for ZIP archives; search with the installation of complex criteria and files within them; the possibility of changing file associations (a program, for example, open files *. txt); excellent built the Registry Editor, in the standard Windows programs outside; FTP client. Of course, this is not the most popular feature, but I like simple FTP manager several times rice. Working with Resco File explorer much resembles use explorer for desktop-specific difficulties in the work not even people with little knowledge of the Pocket PC. By minuses of the programme include a relatively large size of the executable file (800 KB), high cost and problems with the files containing the names of Russian letters in different encoding. It is only when the FTP. Despite the high cost, is one of the best options is an excellent multipurpose "combine", which like many users, superceding several different programs. CE File commander 1.1 CE File commander AbiSoft. If you work with Resco File explorer recalls work with the standard Windows 2000/XP, work with CE File commander is association with the Far Manager, by the way, also written by our countryman. The window manager is divided into two panels, which can be vertically and horizontally. Possibilities program enough to tackle almost any task : in addition to the standard set of files and folders, there are a number of additional useful tools : a serious set of network programming-Ping, Whois, Finger, Telnet, FTP client, to perform at the handheld computer works with most network; built HEX- editor; very easy task manager with the opportunity to view and "killing" unnecessary processes otedayuschih precious memory; View summaries of the system, "System Info"; well, if boring work, we can relax and not leave it, play simple toy-Lines. One interesting feature unique interface when working with files not used the standard "pop-up" menu system, you have entered duty with the stylus on the screen. Many people complain that the delay in the quick work of their annoying. All functions are available from the menu, which reduces the time spent on each transaction, as a result, increase productivity with the program. An important this file manager is a small file size, all of the above "zapihnuto" to a file size of 200 KB. The drawbacks program is the lack of native support ZIP archives, as well as the inability to format the memory card. It is a good choice for people who are accustomed to the Far or Midnight commander and well versed in the network. Total commander / CE 1.21 Far Manager, Total commander has long been one of the most popular file managers on the desktop. Of course, such a product worthy of attention-check, not podkachali whether developers. Ostensibly style program has not changed - dvuhpanelnaya scheme, but because of the small screen resolution still convenient to work with a panel, the other may have to be quickly disabled. Support for ZIP archives, a good text editor, and working with the test, can draw the attention of potential users. Of particular interest is the ability to change the font and language interface. Working with files arranged conveniently enough, but unfortunately, the program no longer has any additional capacity. Good free "working" horse with extensive or aimed at fans STexplorer 1.0.8 Their interest in this program description and because of the low price of just $ 4.99, I decided to examine it closely. This is a simple file manager in the style of Windows explorer, something reminds highly simplified Resco explorer. Using standard files, interface greatly simplified, no ZIP support. It is noteworthy only useful way to view and associate files, which lacks many other programs of this class. Unfortunately, this feature is available only in the full version file manager, so all of this grandeur can only watch. Yes, forgot to say that the program is available in the demo version, so some of the most interesting features disconnected. In addition, from time to time program requires a registration code, and if the wrong answer just rose. Because of this, it is virtually impossible to test. While other programs, and full of quiet dignity, STexplorer appeared ragged beggars, obsessive, but without much hope money from the subway shooting. For all these reasons, I do not have to elaborate on it further, such requests crappy annoying. There are much better and made more functional programs distributed free of charge. Advanced explorer 5.1.5. With Advanced after STexplorer mood and severe scepticism to the cheapest program, I found to my iPAQ another file manager, Advanced explorer. Noposle I saw a very attractive icons in the style of Windows XP, my mood improved slightly, and after half an hour with the program have risen to the previous "working" level. This product has excellent functionality and design, virtually conceded favorite Resco File explorer. And it is, incidentally, is cheaper than 8 times. To my great mood handed and you break its place all the pleasure that we receive, setting the program : an excellent file manager; to encrypt files; support for ZIP archives; the registry editor; working with network drives; FTP client; list processes; Recycle Bin ability to view and edit file associations. Unfortunately, I can not say which of these two programs (Resco File explorer or Advanced explorer) came first, but I had a feeling that they are in parallel, to borrow from each other's best features. Too many things like pain. Still, there are some features for which Resco explorer superior Advanced explorer. For example, the company's product AlphabetaSoftware no encryption of files, as well as native support Bluetooth, the ability to format the memory card. For all other items Advanced explorer is Resco File explorer, and in some cases even exceeded. If you do not need to encrypt files on a computer or send files on Bluetooth is your choice! PE Encrypt 6.2 Despite the presence in the title of this program apparent reference to the encryption, it is functional file manager with their fans and admirers. Like most programs in the review, he performed in the style of Windows explorer and has similar capabilities, easy to work with files, work with FTP, ZIP archives, encryption. In addition to the standard functions, there are distinctive features not found in any other programs from competitors : check verification file; a unique opportunity to change "skins"; to change the order of columns in the table view; Filtration listed. Among the shortcomings are hard to navigate and select multiple files, as well as very dearly for the program, not obnovlyavsheysya since 2000. A good option, but, unfortunately, he could not compete with the leaders, but has interesting possibilities. Conclusion All of the programs reviewed in this survey were divided into two categories : Completed schemes Windows explorer or Far / Total commander. In principle, which is understandable, because small "karmanniki" largely repeat their desktop companions. Of the programs compared to the following conclusions. 1) The obvious leaders moved Resco File explorer, and all of a sudden, amounting to serious competition Advanced explorer. Given the critical difference in price, the best choice will come on Advanced explorer. 2) People, a lot of work with computer networks, in many cases degrees CE File commander. 3) For those who prefer free software here Total commander CE. 4) Fans experiment with the design programs will want to change the appearance PE Encrypt. 5) In no case should not be viewed as STexplorer candidate to be installed at CPC-send their time and money.
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