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Organization of the file system

hash algorithm to minimize the number of conflicts. But there is always the probability of adverse outcomes when a disproportionately large number of file names hash function places in line to the same result. In this case, the advantage of using this scheme as compared with the consistent finding almost lost. Other methods of searching In addition to the methods described in the file name search directory there are others. An example is the organization of search directories in the file system, NTFS, with the assistance of so-called B- tree, which has become a standard way of organizing indexes in database systems Mounting file systems. As the file must be opened before use, and file system housed in the section of the disc to be mounted to become accessible system processes. Mount Function (mount) links the file system from the section on the disk to the existing hierarchy of the file system function and umount (dismantle) off of the file system hierarchy. Mount function, thus, allows users to access data in disk partition as a file system, rather than as a sequence of disk blocks. Mount procedure is as follows. The user (in this Unix root) announced OS device name and location in the file structure (empty directory name), where you want to add file system (mount point). For example, OS Unix systems is a challenge to mount type: mount (special pathname, directory pathname, options); where special pathname is the name of a special device files (generally name), the relevant section of the disk mounted file system directory pathname in the current directory hierarchy, which will be mounted file system (in other words, the point of a place or mount), and indicates options if you should mount the file system, read-only (you will not be performed functions such as write and creat that produce record in the file system). Then OS verifies that the device contains a valid file system expected to superblokom format, the list of indices and index root. Some OS exercise mount automatically as soon as the drive will meet for the first time (hard drives at boot stage, flexible - when they inserted in the drive), looking for OS file system on the device. If the file system is available on the device, it is mounted at the root level, the conversation to the absolute file name names (pathname) is added to the letter section. The kernel supports a table mount with each montirovannoy records on the file system. In each record contains information on the re-mounted devices, in particular with his clipboard and superblokom root directory, as well as information on a mount point. To address the potentially dangerous side effects of the number of references to mount the directory must be equal to 1. Entry information in the table
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