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Managing Files

How and where can I manage their files? All file management through a file manager in "Managing Files" shop. Here you can download ready files or delete them to create their own HTML files, edit or rename existing ones, create and edit pages on the pattern, etc. What's in a file manager? Open file manager, you can see a list of your files, each of which will list the name, description, amount and date of last modification. By default, files are divided by type : first returned pages created template, then hard HTML pages, the "image files and other types of files. Moreover, the very top, top of the list of files, the list of the current sub-folders. Each type of facility for the convenience of using its icon. All operations in the file manager can be divided into three groups : individual, with objects (files and folders), group operations and the creation of new facilities. Individual action (job name and description of the object management meters, editing HTML code) implemented using "Properties" button, which is present in every line of file manager. When it opens you pop reminiscent Properties window in Windows. Individual properties files with bookmarks displayed on the left side of the window. In selecting tabs on the right of your form appears to administer the properties of the file. To save modified properties, click on "Save"; If you page file manager updated. Collective action-copying, moving and deleting-performed by the dialog box, located at the top and bottom of the file manager; While the operations previously required to provide the necessary files or folders, noting the appropriate boxes. Creating new folders, pages and HTML template files sold via links located just above the caps file manager. There is also reference "Settings ", which offers a section where you can modify the appearance and rules for displaying the files in the file manager. How to work with you? To go to a folder, click its name. At the contents will be displayed folder. To back up one level, click icon open folders. When placed in a domestic folders you can go to any of the folders upstream : in the file manager was always full path to the selected folder, each element of this path is a link, which is clicking, you will go to the appropriate folder. To create a new folder, click "Create" folder, then specify the name of the folder. To rename an existing folder click "Properties", then select the "name and description, set a new name (the same can be raised and the description of the folder for convenience) and click Save. To remove one or more folders check Folders yellow flags and press the button "Delete " (located on the gray above and below the list of files). Similarly, you can copy or move the desired folder to another folder, the folder are copied and moved with all their contents. How to work with the files? As in traditional file managers, which provide for the management of files on your computer, file manager Narod.ru can delete files, copy, move, rename, and edit. Removing, copy and move sold as group operations. This means that you must first select one or more files, and then click the yellow button with the name of the desired operation. Renaming files and editing of individual operations to implement them, click Properties opposite the file and select tab corresponding to the required action. Bookmark "Name and describe" lets the new file name and ask him a verbal description. Edit the HTML code file using the text editor "bookmarks ". To edit a page created by the template, click Edit. " In addition to the usual pages Image File operations can be performed even managed meter. It is in the box open on pressing buttons Properties. For more details, please see the section "The tellers and statistics visits." For pages meter fitted in file manager indicated current reading on the (number in parentheses after the filename). To see any of the files presented in the file manager, simply click on his name-file with the open in a new window. How to use a text editor? You can change the HTML code to their pages directly on the site, using the online editor. To access it, then click Properties to the file and then select the "Text Editor". To contact the editor for the site, not a pattern or a text file, simply click "Edit", which is left of the file name. Editor is a text box, which displays the HTML code or text pages and content which can be changed (this is editing), and below the box - with the action of a few buttons. To make it more convenient to work with long lines, window editor, as any other window in Windows, you can unleash the full screen. Once you have made changes to the text, click "Save" and edited page inscribed on your site. The timetable changes easily check what kind of a page, for this is the button "Pred. View; while page opens in new window If you want to stop just made edits, even while e was not pressed Save, click "Cancel changes, and then the text in the field will be what it was before editing.
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