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Copying files

Content F.2.1. Regular copying. F.2.2. The copying. F.2.2.1. The special situation of grabbing. F.2.3. Copying with the mouse. F.2.4. Copying a file in any directory. F.2.5. Copies on the menu. F.2.6. Creating a duplicate file. F.2.1. Regular copying. To copy a file or group of files selected from the current directory to press F5. A dialog box containing : 1) Name your Copy (Copy) 2) In the copy : Copy files to copy 3) Where copy (usually inactive folder pane) as a string editing. You can modify (see also paragraph F.2.6). 4) buttons, different for different versions of file membranes. : Copy (Run) to begin copying. F10-Tree (F10-Derevo) directory tree conclusion of this drive. The chosen location where the file will be copied. When the directory is chosen, it appears in the editing. Cancel (Cancel) - Lifting copying. : a switch Extras : Include subdirectories (including subdirectories), if available, with files and directories, they also copied with their contents in the corresponding destination directories (ie copied all the directory tree). Note : When copying subdirectories can be cyclical link! What is it and how to avoid -smotri item? ? ? . F.2.2. g). : There OFF : Use Filters (Use filter) - mode, which in the performance of copying will be used filter. Note : The filter will only apply to the current panel-see description buttons filter. Copy newer files only These files will not even ask for replacement. Check target space (check free space), before copying envelope check if sufficient space on the target disk. For lack of space before copying a warning : No enough room to copy / move is not enough free space to copy and transfer files. Here are suggestions : Continue (Continue) - Start copying, knowing full well that not all files are copied. Cancel (Cancel) - Abandoning copy. Also a button Filter (filter) to introduce filter setup. It, for example, you can copy files with the date, name, size and so on. Note. Note that the impact of the filter plate is that you can only see files that satisfy filter, and thus provide them. At the same files from subdirectories does not apply to the filter (see? ? ? Figurnov, 7th edition). Far : In addition to the buttons found in the switch is clad Copy access fight (Copy right). If this option is set, will be allowed to copy more about faylaH created shell Far. Dos Navigator : In addition to the buttons found in , the membrane switches are : Overwrite all existing files (Overwrite all existing files), old record copied files without warning. Append to all existing files (add to existing files), new copied files are added to the end of existing ones. Ask for overwrite (Request Rewrite), a request to overwrite existing files in the target directory. Skip All existing files Refresh old files (Updating old files), if you replaced only files in the target directory, with a later date of modification. These switches are alternatives. In addition, there is clear switches; Check free disk space (Check free disk) - the same switch Check target space in . Verify disk writes (The recording), with the installation of the switch is quality writing disk-priemnik information. Copy descriptions (Copy description), is analogous to switch Copy access right clad Far. Remove source files (delete the original files), delete files from the directory -istochnika after copying. Similar Move command. Extras are two buttons : Tree (Tree) instead of buttons F10-Tree. There are similar. Help (Help), shall issue a certificate of use of this dialog box. Windows Commander : Pressing F5 on the screen window with the heading Windows Commander line : Copy "add" to copy "add" in or Copy Data files to copy files and files in line editing with the destination. Here are three buttons : OK (analogue COPY) Tree (analogue F10-Tree) Cancel when copying files to a line editing, in which you can specify conditions for copied files (analog filter with ). F.2.2. The copying. After clicking Copy if settings are correct, a copy files. Copying accompanied with a strip chart showing the proportion of downloaded files. In addition, clad Volkov Commander already copied the files was an (other shell is preserved until the end of the copy.) F.2.2.1. The special situation of grabbing. a) If the copied file has the same name and extension as a file in the destination directory, you will see a message : : The file directory is already exist. Do you wish to write over the target file? File directory already exists. Replace it with the copy? Windows Commander : Overwrite old_filewith the file new_fileReplace old_file file new_file Dos Navigator : File directory is already exists in destination directory. Source : new file Existing : old file File directory already exists in the destination directory. Source : new filepresent : old file Choose from the following answers : Overwrite (Replace), replace the existing file copies *) (all membranes.) Note. Attention! When replacing the old file is erased from the disk. All (All) motors existing file and all subsequent copies of the files (). Append (Add) - write a new file to the end of the previous (Dos Navigator. Far) Rename (rename) write-copied the file under a different name (Dos Navigator) Skip (Skip) does not allow a replacement. Copying and the ongoing Skip All (Ignore all), did not permit the replacement of the current and all subsequent files. Copying continues (Far, Windows Commander). Overwrite all older (Replace any old), is the replacement of old files to the new without asking (Windows Commander). Cancel (Cancel) is not the permit replacement tether and stops copying (for all shells). The Dos Navigator is switch, which allows distribute one answer (Overwrite, Append, Rename or Skip all subsequent files. He called Accept choice for all files (Extend choice for all files). B) Overwriting files with the attributes of "Read Only" and / or "System" when overwriting files of the message : The directory is a file read only file. Do you wish to write over the target file? File directory already exists. Replace? Then buttons, the name and meaning similar to that described a particular situation). Comments I. 3.0 is not replacing files with the attribute of "Read Only" and / or "System". Instead of the dialog box, it displays an error message : Unable copy file directory. Once you click OK or press Enter or Esc, you can return to your original state. Note II. In clad Dos Navigator special situation b) does not arise. It overwritten the file despite the attributes of existing files. c) lack of space. The lack of disk space to display the message : There is not enough room to add to copy. Not enough space to copy add to . with a single mouse button. After using a copy terminated. Neskopirovannye files remain available. The lack of space when copying to a removable drive is as follows : FAR : 1) Provides dialog with the message : Insufficient disk space directory is not enough disk space file must choose two options specified buttons : Split (Razrezat) typically try to cut the current file. Cancel (Cancel) -otmena copy, and move to item No. 2. 2) A dialog box with the message : Cannot write data to add I can not write to add buttons to Retry (back) and Cancel (Cancel). You must select Cancel or press Esc. 3) A dialog with the message : Cannot copy add to . I can not copy file in . three buttons : Retry (again) to try to copy again. The button can not choose. Skip (Skip) - abandon copy of a file. Copying others would continue. Cancel (Cancel) -otkaz copy. : A message from) .1, which alter row : Insert another disk drive in drive : Insert a CD drive : You must insert a formatted disk, and click OK (or press Enter). For non-copy must select Cancel (Cancel), or press the Esc key. Windows Commander A window No reports enough free space on disk target. Continue? There is a free space at the current drive. Continue? Communication is accompanied by three buttons. Clicking Yes (DA) system will attempt to copy the file (for the need to change the disk). If the outcome of this attempt fails, then a message : Disk full Disc is the sole OK button. If the answer to a previous message No (Net), a copy immediately cease. Volkov 4.0 : A dialog box with the message : There is not enough room to add to copy. Not enough space to copy add to . two buttons : Abort (Cancel) and Continue (Continue). You must select Abort button or press any key. Dos Navigator : A message : Disk full. The disk is full. with a single mouse button. d) An example is the command : xcopy .. \ *.*. / S Accordingly, the expression of the parent directory is copied to the current directory (called the DIR). As specified key / S, the recreated every parent directory tree. It may therefore recursion in the subdirectory DIR will be continually recreated a new subdirectory DIR, and it will be copied parent directory tree. This will not lead to anything good. In the worst case you break down FAT, and you have to exercise a high level format. Unfortunately, protection against copying cyclical realized not all file covers. The author can say with confidence that such protection is not Volkov Commander and present in In an attempt to copy in a cyclical Norton Commander version of this error message : Unable to create file directory. Unable to create a directory. The user can select OK or press the Enter or Esc, then the program will continue copying other files. F.2.3. Copying with the mouse. The is possible to copy files between the panels with your mouse. Marked files and directories simply peretaskivayutsya mouse to the other panel. The window is the same as when you press F5. F.2.4. Copying a file in any directory. Hitting Shift + F5 window with two rows editing. The top margin default blank. It should indicate where files will be taken to be copied. The bottom line indicates which files should be copied. The default is a directory of the other panel. This method is similar to copying method of copying files from the command line (and the copy command xcopy), but he realized graphical interface. Note : The key combination Shift + F5 does not work in Windows Commander. Pressing this key combinations in the same press F5 keys. Warning. Copying files in a graphical interface without verification writing on the disk. Therefore, a file can be saved to defective units. In order to make sure the files normally skopirovalis, use the command line (the copy, xcopy and xcopy32 with key / v). F.2.5. Copies on the menu. To copy files with the menu : 1) Strengthen the system menu shell. 2) The system menu select File submenu (File). The non-localized skin can simply press F. 3) Select menu Copy (Copy) in the pages. The non-localized skin can simply press C. Only then will the window copying. As can be seen from the description, this is a long, and he rarely applied in practice. Note : In Windows Commander is not possible to copy files from the menu. F.2.6. Creating a duplicate file. Sometimes in the same directory to have two files with identical content. This may require, for example, when a backup file initialization. . The operation can be done in the command line (the copy) or in the file dialog in envelope. This way, instead of where you want to copy the file, type in the name of a new and expanded file. Rather than name or extension can use an asterisk (the "*"). In this case, if you star replaced the old name or extension, depending on where it stands. After clicking Copy in the current directory, a duplicate file. Note; In this way the operation is not clearly indicate, but just get a new name and expansion. Old line with the track will be removed after the first symbol.
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