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Contemporary disc systems of RAID

Comparing the characteristics of RAID. We covered the basic configuration RAID- arrays. Choosing the required configuration taking into account the characteristics and needs of the architecture of applications that these arrays will be used. This would take into account not only the technical characteristics (performance, reliability), but other requirements that may make the user. Depending on the requirements of the system can be characterized by three groups of users. For the first group the most important characteristic is the cost. By the next group of users, for whom the more important reliability. For the third group is the dominant characteristic performance. Most users fell in the middle of "the triangle. For example, choosing a higher reliability of the device, the user will necessarily take into account both the value and productivity. Cost. The cost of RAID-0 is just the cost of four sinks. RAID-3 and RAID-5 require an additional drive to provide redundancy and thus their value in the four drives at 25% above RAID-6 requires a two-disc surplus value rises by 50%. And finally, RAID-1 most expensive, it cost twice the value RAID- O. Reliability. Reliability RAID- devices defined organization array disks and power used mechanism for the protection of errors.
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