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Contemporary disc systems of RAID

Consequently, the performance record to RAID-5 involves two disks, and each must comply with the additional traffic. In other words, while writing takes four treatment: reading, which takes place after recording data, and reading, which takes place after recording Hog. In case of refusal disc made reading all the healthy discs for all segments of the so-Xor calculated data restored. Since almost all requests relate to the same segment, each of the disks in the array able to perform at the same time different requests. Operation records require treatment to the two discs, but the remaining two are free to drive execution of other requests. Since Hog-segmenty distributed across an array of disks, is it possible to perform at the same time and record. This scheme provides a good yield for a large number of requests for small and medium-sized. RAID-5 provides a good data integrity, as data loss occurs only in the event that the second disc refuses before first refused to be replaced. Productivity RAID-5 assessed as average. "Hot spots" are, but additional requests for internal record reduce overall productivity. Other levels. Several hybrid levels, including 6, 7, 30 and 50, combine opportunities (for example, rotating and mirror) of two or more levels above. Level 2, for the implementation of which requires special drives are no longer in use.
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